The COP28 Summit will take place from 30 November to 12 December 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Again this year ministerial delegates, ambassadors, Heads of State and Government will reconvene for the 28th annual Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and to the Paris Agreement (COP28).
This meeting will unfold amidst a deeply worrying state of the world, faced with multiple and overlapping crises: the unprecedented combination of the climate crisis, the world’s dire hunger situation and increasingly severe and protracted conflicts is aggravating inequalities and poverty, driving humanitarian needs and deepening funding gaps to record levels. The 2023 Global Humanitarian Overview projected more than 100 million people to be displaced as an effect of conflict and climate change. These UN climate negotiations will therefore, once again, undergo strong political pressure; yet they are more urgent than ever.
Alliance2015 shares the concerns expressed by many civil society and institutional actors about the high risk of conflicts of interest deriving from the participation of the powerful fossil fuel industry, backed by fossil energy-relying countries.
Alliance2015 members work with communities affected by long-term climate impacts and climate-induced disasters in over 90 countries of the Global South, sometimes scourged by prolonged conflicts and authoritarian oppression. Alliance2015 recognises UN Climate Conferences as the legitimate multilateral space where crucial commitments on climate action are negotiated. By attending, Alliance members will bring the reality of those countries on behalf of the affected communities, proposing solutions for climate resilient livelihoods and calling for environmental and social justice, while reaffirming the values of democratic dialogue, governance and civic space, and the defence of the most vulnerable.